The Privacy Insider Podcast
Welcome to The Privacy Insider Podcast, where we update you with the latest trends and best practices in the fast-evolving landscape of data privacy. Customer expectations, regulatory requirements, and industry standards continue to move the needle toward a demand for greater privacy in the digital world. We connect with privacy insiders who share insights on strategies that business leaders and privacy teams should take to make their businesses privacy-first organizations.
Privacy Over Party: Peter Swire
October 17, 2024 • 35 MIN
There’s a U.S. election coming up in a few weeks. You may have heard something about it. What you haven’t heard as much about in this election cycle is the candidates’ stance on privacy. Why? And will privacy views and policies change depending on who takes office? Georgia Tech Professor Peter Swire has served at the highest levels of government, including as Chief Counselor for Privacy under President Clinton and as an advisor in the Obama Administration. Peter joins host Arlo Gilbert this week to talk about how privacy figures into gun control, abortion, and other hot-button issues, and to share his regulatory insight on everything from AI to Crypto.
David, Goliath, and Data Privacy Part II: Max Schrems
September 19, 2024 • 33 MIN
If you’re in the privacy industry, you know Max Schrems: Renowned privacy rights advocate and the David who took on Facebook’s Goliath to shine a light on the misuse of consumer data. But that’s just one facet of what he does. In this episode, Max talks to Arlo Gilbert about Facebook, Amazon, and Google, whether or not you can file a class action in Europe, and how somebody became so passionate about privacy that they ended up changing the world. Part II of a two-part series.
David, Goliath, and Data Privacy Part I: Max Schrems
September 10, 2024 • 43 MIN
If you’re in the privacy industry, you know Max Schrems: Renowned privacy rights advocate and the David who took on Facebook’s Goliath to shine a light on the misuse of consumer data. But that’s just one facet of what he does. In this episode, Max talks to Arlo Gilbert about his organization, noyb, the often-unglamorous work of protecting privacy rights, and how the Florida educational system kicked off a lifelong passion for privacy. Part I of a two-part series.
Don’t Be Evil: In the Hot Seat of Data Privacy Part 2
August 28, 2024 • 30 MIN
In Part II of our conversation with Keith Enright, the outgoing Chief Privacy Officer of Google, Keith talks to host Arlo Gilbert about what it’s really like to be in the hot seat of data privacy of one of the world’s biggest tech companies: The good and the bad. You’ll hear about the uniqueness of Google’s approach to innovation and privacy, the complexities of being on regulators’ radar, and the opportunities that led to world-changing outcomes and some of the most gratifying moments of his career.
Don’t Be Evil: In the Hot Seat of Data Privacy Part 1
August 16, 2024 • 27 MIN
In this episode of The Privacy Insider Podcast, Keith Enright, the outgoing Chief Privacy Officer at Google, joins host Arlo Gilbert to share what it’s like to be at the privacy helm of one of the world’s most influential–and most watched–companies. Part I of this conversation showcases Keith’s unusual path to privacy and Google, the evolution of privacy under his watch, and where opportunities lie in privacy and technology today..
Will the U.S. Have a GDPR? With Rachael Ormiston of Osano
July 9, 2024 • 38 MIN
In this episode of The Privacy Insider Podcast, host Arlo Gilbert is joined by Rachael Ormiston, Head of Privacy at Osano, to dive into federal privacy regulations. Rachael talks about how global cooperation on privacy laws can prevent data chaos, how UK and US privacy cultures clash and shape innovation, whether US privacy laws can ever match the EU's GDPR, and how American businesses are winning big with privacy.
How AI Is Changing Data Privacy Forever with Katharine Tomko of First Ascent Ventures
June 4, 2024 • 32 MIN
In this episode of The Privacy Insider Podcast, host Arlo Gilbert and Katharine Tomko, Partner at First Ascent Ventures, dive into AI, how it is changing the data privacy landscape, and how its growth presents new challenges for privacy teams and individuals. Also in this episode: The importance of consent, and why privacy matters more than you think.
Katharine Tomko: Privacy is a Fundamental Human Right
May 14, 2024 • 26 MIN
In this episode of The Privacy Insider Podcast, host Arlo Gilbert is joined by Katharine Tomko, Partner at First Ascent Ventures, who was the first Head of Privacy Programs at Facebook. They explore the evolving landscape of privacy in the digital space and digital privacy as an extension of fundamental privacy rights throughout history. Hear how Katharine’s experiences growing up sparked her passion for data privacy and her continued focus on it as a venture capital investor.
May 6, 2024 • < 1 MIN
Welcome to The Privacy Insider Podcast, where we update you with the latest trends and best practices in the fast-evolving landscape of data privacy. Customer expectations, regulatory requirements, and industry standards continue to move the needle toward a demand for greater privacy in the digital world. We connect with privacy insiders who share insights on strategies that business leaders and privacy teams should take to make their businesses privacy-first organizations.